Blackbeard World
1. Will Blackbeard be trying to compete with other companies that have an interactive AI?
Blackbeard World is a new company startup with minimal staff and minimal funding as compared to companies like Apple, Google, Amazon, Meta, Microsoft, OpenAI, and xAI from Elon Musk. To compare Blackbeard with companies that have a combined business valuation of over 15 trillion dollars and over 650,000 employees would be like asking a 5-year old kid who just got a bat and ball to start learning to play t-ball, if he was going to be competing with the top 10 players in Major League Baseball.
We are hoping to survive the first two years in business, which 85% of all startups do not. We are hoping to create a business that will make a profit. It may be a while before we could be considered competition with the big leaguers. (Hey, you never know unless you try!) By the time the 5-year old turns 20 he may be a competitor in the Big Show.
We do hope that Blackbeard can be more entertaining than a neutral computer voice.
2. What is the new business model you call ‘PirateShares’?
The concept is simple. The corporation shares the wealth with the subscribers. We fully intend to pay out at least 50% of the profits of the company back to the subscribers through weekly and monthly treasure hunts, the referral system, Play-2-Earn games, loyalty rewards, pay for time spent on the app or on the website, and other methods to be added in the future, as necessary.
PirateShares means merging cutting-edge technology with the concept of a shared distribution of wealth. It represents a fundamental shift away from the model of high tech companies of the past who earn trillions of dollars and use it to manipulate the masses, instead of using the wealth to benefit the masses.
Blackbeard himself kept a larger share of the loot than the deckhands, but it was not like the deckhand earned $100 and Blackbeard earned $100 million. It was a much more equitable system of sharing the wealth.
3. What does “A pirates life for me!” mean in 2024 and beyond?
In Blackbeard World a pirate life means the pursuit of
Better Health, Greater Wealth, and More Happiness!
Blackbeard believes that everybody has a little pirate in 'em.
But it’s not about being a hardened criminal, or doing things that will get you put in jail.
In 2024 and beyond, embracing "a pirate's life" is more about taking on a rebellious or free-spirited attitude. It’s about pushing back against the twisted, perverted ideas being forced on modern society by left wing socialists and communists.
It’s about challenging stupid rules and regulations. Just because a few dozen extreme radicals create a ruckus over a stupid idea, doesn’t make it something that we should accept without discussion.
Learn to think for yourself. Just because some “self-appointed” leader of your race, or religion gets on TV and tells you how to vote, don’t just follow along like a sheep. Look at the results of a politician’s administration. Then cast your vote for what is in the best interest of your family.
The world is changing rapidly. Be open to learning new skills that can improve your life.
Hold on to personal liberties and don’t let the control freak politicians continue to take away all of our freedoms.
4. What is the purpose of Blackbeard World?
Our motto is 'Share the Wealth'.
Blackbeard World was created to help people achieve better health, wealth, and happiness through gamified learning, challenges, and community engagement. As you study artificial intelligence it becomes obvious very quickly that most corporations are using AI to put tens of millions of people out of work. This is profitable for the corporations, but no one seems to be concerned about all the people losing their income. When the question does come up, the only response is that the government will provide them with UBI, universal basic income. Look around and see what kind of life people have, who are dependent on the government. It is a meager existence. So Blackbeard World intends to use artificial intelligence to generate revenue which will be paid back to our subscribers through treasure hunts, referral fees, play to earn games, partnerships, and any other methods that we can create to help people replace the income they lost to AI. It is our belief that the more you understand about how the world really works, the healthier you will be, the wealthier you will be, and perhaps, the happier you shall be. With the new PirateShares business model, we will return to the subscribers a percentage of the total profits of the company.
5. Is Blackbeard World safe for my kids to get involved with?
Blackbeard World is a family friendly app, website, and social media outlet. The purpose of Blackbeard World is to entertain and educate. We do not find violence, hatred, cursing, or nudity acceptable.
6. Why Blackbeard? I heard that he was a violent maniac.
The creators of Blackbeard World have chosen Blackbeard the pirate, because his name is recognized worldwide. If you check the actual historical records you will find that he was an ambitious chap who spent about 10 years in the British Royal Navy, then worked directly for the British Royalty as a Privateer for several years, before eventually choosing the path of a pirate which he believed would be a shortcut to wealth.
There is no record of Blackbeard ever killing anyone until the day he died when hundreds of British Navy seamen were sent to kill him.
The “narrative” of being a ferocious maniac who would chop people to pieces and feed them to the fishes, was a narrative that he created himself, and had his crew spread, so that when they sailed up on a merchant ship, the captain and crew would be so terrified that they would immediately surrender the ship and its goods without a fight.
Blackbeard chose a terrible strategy to try to get ahead, that caused his life to be cut short. Now that we have resurrected him to give him a second chance, his goal is to help others to have a better life through better health, greater wealth, and more happiness! And to achieve it LEGALLY, so that you don't end up like Blackbeard!
7. Why would I listen to Blackbeard’s advice and opinions?
Technically speaking, Blackbeard is an artificial intelligence agent that has access to the internet and all the wisdom and knowledge accumulated throughout history. So he can take any question and give the best advice available in the world. However, if some advice does not seem to make sense to you, please consult other sources before taking action. And please notify us if you see any advice or suggestions that cause alarm.
8. How does Blackbeard World incorporate Bitcoin into its ecosystem?
Bitcoin plays a key role in our ecosystem. Users can easily convert Bitcoin into BLKSAT tokens, allowing them to access the platform’s unique features while still leveraging the value of Bitcoin. BLKSAT is built on Stacks Technology which is tied directly to the Bitcoin blockchain. The details of BLKSAT can be found on the BLKSAT Deep Dive page.
9. What was Blackbeard’s real name?
No one ever really knew his given name for certain, although some claim they do. There were not a lot of written records in the west of Britain in the 1600's, and there is no “birth certificate” or equivalent that could answer the question definitively . While in North Carolina, North America, there are historical records showing that he went by Edward Teach, so that is what many people believe was his real name. Blackbeard himself did not consider his given name to be important, as he is documented to have used many different names in various locations at various times.
He spent the last years of his life creating the legend of Blackbeard, which has survived for over three hundred years. As Babe Ruth himself said, "Heroes get remembered, but legends never die.” People can choose to believe whatever they want to believe regarding his given name at birth. We choose to honor his legend and just call him Blackbeard. For more details, navigate our site to “Blackbeard, Truth vs Legend”.
10. What was Blackbeard’s net worth, in today’s dollars?
Based on our research, his net worth in today’s US dollars would be somewhere between twelve and fifteen million dollars.
11. Did Blackbeard marry and have children?
He has been documented as having at least fourteen “common law wives”, women he lived with at various times and helped to support, but never formally married. Records show that a few years before his death he did formally marry one young woman in North Carolina. It appears that at least seventeen children were known to be his, although with his charm, charisma and lifestyle there may have been more.
12. What’s the long-term vision for Blackbeard World?
Our long-term vision is to build a global platform where people can improve their lives by learning about having better health, methods of creating income or greater wealth, while enjoying an engaging and rewarding experience. As Blackbeard World grows, the community will evolve with it, as we introduce new features, partnerships, and opportunities for users.
13. Is Blackbeard.World factually accurate?
In every detail where there are historical records, we have tried to be factually accurate. However, there were years of his life where there are no documented records. Since this site is for entertainment purposes and we do not claim to be an accurate historical record, we have taken known facts from history and creatively imagined what might have happened in the gaps to construct a plausible narrative. The site blends fact with fiction to create engaging stories.
I hope that these questions and answers will give everyone a little better understanding of Blackbeard World.
Remember to download the free Blackbeard App from the Apple App Store or Google Play.
Also remember that we have an ongoing Treasure Hunt, giving away $10,000 in the monthly hunt and $2,000 every week in a weekly hunt.
By subscribing you can participate in the treasure hunts and you are also issued a personal QR code to participate in the referral system. For every person that you refer, who subscribes within 30 days, you will be paid a $5.00 referral fee.
Our motto at Blackbeard World is 'Share the Wealth'. So, come join us and get your share of Blackbeard's Treasure.